We have spent a few months talking to customers, getting feedback and improving things. Beta version is ready for you to try it out.
It is our mission at TeamHQ to save you from planning stress and turn you into a super hero at work. As we continue testing the beta version of the app, we are receiving some great feedback from our current users. Lots of new features are in the pipeline that will make your work planning seamless and maybe even enjoyable.
Today we would like to announce that we have opened up private beta to the wider public. Anyone with the internet can now sign up and try out TeamHQ.
Here are some of the highlights of the current beta version of the app:
1. Board prioritization
Boards are the heart of TeamHQ. This is where most of your planning will take place.
Imagine yourself standing next to a white board and writing down. your todos for the week. Well, with TeamHQ you can do that and have some of the tasks automated for you.
You can now prioritize your sprints by clicking on the Reprioritize your sprint menu. It will display a set of rules that are used by default for prioritizing your tasks. Click Auto Prioritize Tasks button, and viola. Your sprint tasks are sorted and ready for you to start working.
Continuing with the prioritization theme, we have added the ability to assign impact value to each of. your tasks. It's a simple menu with five options:
Minimal Impact
Low Impact
Medium Impact
High Impact
Massive Impact
Impact is used mainly for prioritization. For example, when deciding what to work on next, it's best to start with tasks that have the highest impact and lowest required effort. And that's what this option offers.
3. Task Effort
One last thing about this release is the task effort. The idea behind assigning effort to tasks is simple. Track how much effort your putting in per task, get a summary for the week (sprint) and measure your work against previous sprints. See how you're improving, which days work best. etc.
And of course you can prioritize better knowing how much effort each task will take.
That's it for this announcement. Hope you enjoy TeamHQ and if you're new, try it out.
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